Parental controls on 2Degrees
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to install an effective porn blocker on a 2degrees FRITZ!Box modem. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to install protection and get started with our parental controls. Step 1: Install DNS Enter the IP address of the FRITZ!Box modem into the top search bar of a web browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox). If you haPopularParental controls on Telstra Broadband Australia
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to setup parental controls on Telstra Broadband Australia. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to setup protection.Some readersHow to block porn on an ASUS router
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to install an effective porn blocker on an ASUS router. Along with protecting your privacy, we use our behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. Let’s get started with installing protection. Note: some ASUS router models may not support installing Safe Surfer with a custom protection link (that is, for custom block settings and monitoring), although all should support installing traditional DNS servers as an alternative solutionSome readersParental controls on Aussie Broadband
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to setup parental controls on Aussie Broadband. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to setup protection. Step 1: Configure DNS Enter the address into the top search bar of a web browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox). Type admin into the username box. Check the bottom of your Netcomm router for a stickSome readersParental controls on iiNet Australia
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to setup parental controls on iiNet Australia. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to setup protection. Step 1: Configure DNS Check for an IP address on the bottom of your home router. This could be "" or "". Once you've found it, enter it into the address bar at the top of your web browser and log iFew readersParental controls on Spark NZ
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to install effective parental controls on a Spark Wi-Fi modem/router. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to install protection. This guide is applicable for the following modems: Spark Smart Modem / Skinny Smart Modem (model VRV9517; VRV9517UWAC34-A-SP) Spark 5G Smart Modem (model 124753) Spark Smart Modem 2 / Skinny Flexi Modem (model 125415) Spark Smart Modem 3 (model VRV9517ZWAX34-A-SP)Few readersHow to block porn on a 2degrees FRITZ!Box modem
It’s easy with Safe Surfer to install an effective porn blocker on a 2degrees FRITZ!Box modem. Along with protecting your privacy, we also use our own behind-the-scenes technology to block porn and other harmful online content. This guide will efficiently walk you through how to install protection and get started with our parental controls. Step 1: Install DNS Enter the IP address of the FRITZ!Box modem into the top search bar of a web browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox). If you haFew readers