Articles on: Windows

Unsupported apps on Windows

Due to various technical reasons, Safe Surfer for Windows does not support running alongside some apps. There are two categories of apps: incompatible apps, and unsupported apps. As of app version 1.3.1, Safe Surfer will attempt to detect these apps, and if it finds any, it will warn you during installation.

Incompatible apps

Incompatible apps are apps that directly interfere with how Safe Surfer works on Windows. If you attempt to install protection with one of the following apps, Safe Surfer will refuse to install protection until the applicable apps have been uninstalled.

Incompatible antivirus apps

RAV Endpoint Protection

RAV Endpoint Protection breaks core features of how Safe Surfer works on Windows. This causes installation to fail, along with breaking various protection features. We suggest considering a good paid antivirus, such as ESET, and a good web browser blocker extension, such as uBlock Origin.

Incompatible web browser apps

Aloha Browser

Aloha Browser doesn't support Chromium policies, which is a technology we need to provide the best protection experience. It also contains a Tor networking feature specifically designed to bypass network filtering.

Unsupported apps

Unsupported apps are apps that do not directly interfere with Safe Surfer, but for various technical reasons, we can't provide support for running Safe Surfer alongside these apps.

Unsupported VPN apps

We don't support most VPN apps, as they are generally designed to bypass network filtering. If you choose to disable Windows VPN features during the protection installation, most VPN apps will be completely unable to operate (as intended).

Unsupported antivirus apps


We don't support some antivirus apps (typically free ones), as they might inadvertently hijack your filtering experience. The built-in Windows antivirus is usually better than the following products, so if the device you're protecting has one of the following products installed, we recommend uninstalling it. We suggest considering a good paid antivirus, such as ESET, and a good web browser blocker extension, such as uBlock Origin.

Unsupported web browser apps

AVG Secure Browser (GenDigital)
Avast Secure Browser (GenDigital)
Avira Secure Browser (GenDigital)
CCleaner Browser (GenDigital)
Norton Private Browser (GenDigital)
Opera Air
Opera GX

We don't support web browser apps from GenDigital, along with any web browsers published by Opera, as they don't support Chromium policies, which is a technology we need to provide the best protection experience. We fully support most other web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox.

Updated on: 04/03/2025

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