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How to uninstall Safe Surfer for Windows 11

This guide will show you how to uninstall Safe Surfer on a Windows 11 device, along with any remaining protection installation.

If you have already uninstalled the Safe Surfer app itself and the protection still remains on the computer, you will need to redownload the app installer from the Safe Surfer dashboard ( on the device itself so that you can uninstall the protection from within the app. Uninstalling the app won't uninstall the protection—this can only be done through the app itself. To download the latest app installer on the Safe Surfer dashboard, click the Devices menu on the left-hand sidebar > New device > This device > Get the Windows app > click the Download button > click the three-dot button at the upper-right corner of the dashboard > Log out.

Uninstall Safe Surfer

On the device that you would like to uninstall Safe Surfer, click the Start menu button, then open the Safe Surfer app. If you can't see the Safe Surfer app, type "safe surfer" to search for the app.

Enter your PIN to unlock the app.

Click the Uninstall protection button. When you are asked to authorise system changes through the Windows Command Prompt app, click the Yes button.

Close the app.

Open the Start menu, then type "safe surfer" to search for the app. Once you've found the app, click the Uninstall option on the right-hand side.

Click the Uninstall button.

Uninstallation complete

You have now uninstalled Safe Surfer from this device. You can also remove the listing for this device on the Safe Surfer dashboard Devices menu by clicking the three-dot button on the applicable device listing > click the Delete option.

Updated on: 21/11/2024

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