Articles on: Kid-Safe Experience

Install additional features for the Kid-Safe experience

This step shows you how to use additional features available inside the Safe Surfer app for the Kid-Safe Experience.

Social media monitoring

The first optional feature is social media monitoring. Tap the Enable button found under the Social media monitoring section.

Tap the switch for the Safe Surfer app listing.

Tap the Allow option.

The required device permissions have been provided. Tap the back button at the bottom of the screen to return to the Safe Surfer app. If you would like to customise the social media monitoring detection features, tap the Edit button.

From this menu you can either enable or disable keyword categories. You can also set custom keywords for detection. Once you're done, go back to the Safe Surfer app home menu.

Location tracking

The second optional feature is location tracking. Tap the Enable button found under the Location tracking section.

Tap the OK option on the prompt that appears.

Tap the Enable button.

Tap the Confirm option on the prompt that appears.

If you would like to configure settings for the location tracking feature, tap the Settings option.

You can manage the location tracking settings from here. Once you're done, tap the back button at the upper-left corner.

Nudity detection

The third optional feature is nudity detection.

Tap the Enable button found under the Nudity detection section.

Tap the Start button once the download has finished.

If you would like to change the frequency that the Safe Surfer app checks the screen, tap the drop-down list under the Nudity detection section.


Great work, you've finished setting up the additional features on the Kid-Safe experience. If you're setting up a Kid-Safe device for the first time, you can continue by clicking this link.

Updated on: 31/05/2024

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